06 Sep 2024

Gen AI in Programming and Intellectual Property Infringement

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Written by Amit Dhandal

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For the past few days, I’ve been working on a blog about AI and intellectual property (IP) infringement, exploring how generative AI is changing the way we create and own content. After finalizing the content, I decided to generate an image using ChatGPT-4 to accompany the blog. To my surprise, the AI included the Mona Lisa—a globally recognized masterpiece. I hadn’t asked for it, but there it was. This unexpected outcome highlighted a key challenge with AI: even with the best intentions, these systems can unintentionally cross boundaries, emphasizing the need for careful oversight.

Generative AI has integrated into our daily lives and work, transforming how we handle various tasks. In the IT industry, AI assists with code generation, documentation, and more. While these advancements significantly boost productivity, they also come with risks that need our attention.

In our industry, AI is used for tasks like code refactoring and generating unit test cases. However, the convenience of AI also brings risks, especially related to intellectual property. When consuming AI-generated data, it’s crucial to verify its origin. Is the data truly free to use, or does it violate copyright laws? Legal disputes, such as artists suing AI companies for using their work without permission, underline these concerns. For example, Getty Images sued Stability AI for unauthorized use of copyrighted images in training models.

But the concerns don’t end there. It’s not just about what we consume; it’s also about what we input into these AI systems. When we use AI to refactor or test code, there’s a risk that the AI could retain copies of this proprietary code, leading to unauthorized reuse or, worse, exposure to malicious actors. This creates a two-fold risk—both consuming potentially infringing content and exposing your own valuable IP.

One way this risk materializes is through Prompt Injection, where someone manipulates an AI model to reveal sensitive information by feeding it cleverly designed prompts. As AI becomes more integrated into our operations, the vulnerability to such attacks increases. This makes it crucial to be cautious not just about the data you receive from AI, but also about the data you provide to it.

If you’re using tools like GitHub Copilot, it’s important to know that not all versions offer the same protection. The Business and Enterprise editions allow you to exclude certain files from the training data, reducing the risk of your code being repurposed for someone else’s benefit. This highlights the importance of choosing the right tools and being aware of their implications.

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Mitigation Strategies for AI Use

Given these dual risks—both in consuming AI-generated content and in providing data to AI systems—it’s crucial to implement robust mitigation strategies. Here’s how we should approach these challenges:

  1. Data Compliance: Ensure that all data used for AI training is fully licensed and compliant with IP laws.
  2. Encryption: Use strong encryption to protect data shared with AI models, preventing unauthorized access.
  3. Access Control: Limit access to AI systems to authorized personnel only, ensuring that sensitive data is protected.
  4. Security Audits: Regularly audit security measures and compliance protocols to ensure that all best practices are being followed.
  5. Source Verification: Verify the source of the training data used by the AI model to ensure it is legally and ethically sourced.
  6. Command Data Protection: Opt for higher-grade subscriptions that guarantee no command data storage or use for training purposes if you're dealing with sensitive information.
  7. Transparency: Maintain clear communication with stakeholders about how AI is used and the safeguards in place to protect sensitive data.

Our Approach at IncubXperts

At IncubXperts, we’ve spent considerable time figuring out how to leverage AI effectively while safeguarding our clients’ intellectual property. Through reskilling our teams, conducting thorough assessments, and closely collaborating with our clients, we’ve developed a set of our best practices that ensure we harness the power of AI without compromising on IP security.

We’ve learned that when it comes to using AI, caution is key. Every line of code we write is our customer’s property, so we’re meticulous about the tools we choose and how we apply them. Here’s what we do:

  1. Assess the potential of generative AI in each project: Before diving in, evaluate where AI can truly add value without compromising security.
  2. Identify the right tools and scenarios for AI application: Not every tool is suited for every job—choosing the right one is critical.
  3. Evaluate the risks of IP violations: Analyze how your data will be used and whether there’s any risk of it being exposed or misused.
  4. Discuss findings with clients and plan the next steps together: Open communication ensures that everyone is aligned and that IP is protected at every stage.

Even with these safeguards, the risks aren’t completely eliminated. That’s why it’s crucial to stay proactive. By taking these steps, we maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing the risks. In today’s rapidly changing tech landscape, taking a thoughtful, informed approach is the best way to stay ahead.


While generative AI offers transformative potential for our industry, it also presents significant risks, particularly concerning intellectual property. At IncubXperts, we recognize the importance of balancing innovation with security. By adopting proactive measures and staying vigilant, we can leverage the power of AI without compromising the integrity of the valuable assets we create. It's essential to continually adapt and refine our strategies to ensure that our use of AI remains both effective and secure.