28 Jun 2022

You shouldn't delay your move to the cloud - here's why.

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Written by Abhishek Mungi

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When discussing cloud technology, one of the more commonly discussed themes happens to be the “changing” technology landscape”. However, this landscape has now “changed”. On-premises solutions and infrastructure that a majority of businesses were once built on used to be considered state-of-the-art. Cut to the present day, though, and these solutions have become less useful and less secure. Progress is now the need of the hour.

Moving business processes to the cloud should be prioritized, as this is the optimal way to ensure technological progress. As frequent new advancements continue to test organizations, solutions and processes, the most important factors that decide the continuity of a business are elasticity, scalability and accessibility. Like any sizeable project, it will not happen overnight. You will need to build a plan, prepare your organization and take manageable steps.

Legacy thinking and misconceptions need not hold you back; you need not worry about whether your on-premises ERP or CRM will be up to the task.

Here are some ideas to debunk the nostalgia factor:

Good enough is no longer good enough

There is saying as old as time, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This saying, and its variations, are heard by customers in spaces such as finance and operations, or sales and field services. The same applies to businesses utilizing on-premises solutions.

The idea of changing something that’s been around for a while or facing the idea of adopting something new may trigger the response that the existing structure is “good enough”. The real problem lies in the fact that adopting this line of reasoning usually means complacency, which eventually leads to the end of innovation and growth. Though a portion of businesses insist that their legacy systems and solutions are enough to get the job done, the real growth is being achieved by their competitors leveraging cloud technology.

Customers are using Dynamics 365 and using data integrations, unconventional functionalities, advanced machine learning and predictive analytic capabilities to optimize their legacy processes. This has led to them outpacing, outmaneuvering, and out earning their peers using legacy solutions.

Your needs are not as unique as you think

There are a significant number of businesspeople under the impression that the needs of their organization are unique. A lot of on-premises organizations who need fixes to their problems from time to time usually employ in-the-moment fixes. This leads a high number of customizations, giving rise to the perception of “uniqueness”.

The advantage of migration is that a business can eliminate these haphazard customizations and the relevant expenses, infrastructure, and processes. It usually is the case that the “uniqueness” of a business’ needs is less about the actual specialized needs of their IT environment and more about a perceived limited understanding of the possibilities of the cloud.

We work to advance our cloud solutions and ensure agility and adaptability to meet modern business requirements. Moving to the cloud is no small feat – these are time-intensive initiatives that require a lot of planning and resources. While it is true that customizations do add complexity to your solutions, they should never hinder your move to the cloud. Out-of-the-box functionality; low-code, no-code; code-extensions; and ISV applications often eliminate the need for your legacy customizations.

IncubXperts use Dynamics 365 to provide flexibility and scalability designed to grow with customers’ businesses, allowing them to manage their organizations with unified data in real time.

Silos don’t ensure security or compliance

Data preservation is a concern for most organizations. Vulnerabilities within your IT infrastructure and processes can leave systems susceptible to external threats and exploitation. Due to media mentions, many organizations believe the cloud is not safe.

The perception that there is an impenetrable solution is incorrect. This is driven by the misconception that most attacks originate from outside an organization. It is true that until now, on-premises data solutions were the cornerstone for many businesses’ IT operations. This theory does not hold as much water anymore, as threats have become increasingly varied. You see, on-premises solutions rely on existing policies, technology, and software. This means that it is usually up to the IT staff to ensure that the latest security protocols are being adhered to. It is usually overlooked that someone from within the organization may inadvertently perform an action that could cause a breach.

Cloud-based, up-to-date solutions enable customers to take advantage of a Zero-Trust security framework. Zero Trust assumes potential threats have already “breached the gates.” Microsoft actively verifies and reverifies credentials and authentications to minimize risks and threats.

Given a choice between a system that has multiple programs designed to perform periodic checks and updates, creating backups, and adjusting to current conditions, or a system that is reliant on an IT staff to perform these tasks separately, there can be no doubt. Seeing the increasing sophistication, speed, adaptability, and sheer criminal organization of cyber-attacks, it is nearly impossible for any company to protect itself in a siloed, non-cloud environment. Shifting to the cloud means your provider can provide localized compliance, security, and governance updates. This means better organizational efficiency and cost savings. Therefore, your teams and IT staff can focus on core business tasks that require more attention, removing the responsibility of this “burden”.

The resiliency of your business may depend on when and how you adopt cloud functionality.

Here’s why migrating to the cloud makes real sense:

Efficiency and Growth—62 percent of companies that have migrated to the cloud reported an increase in customer satisfaction.

Customization and Adaptability—companies that have transitioned to cloud solutions reported a 44 percent increase in the speed of new product launches due to utility and specialized tools available to them.

Security and Reliability—companies that have transitioned to the cloud reported a 60 percent reduction in security incidents compared to their on-premises solutions.

IncubXperts help in smoothening the migration to Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions. Our number one aim is to make it quick, efficient and cost-effective. Check out our Services page for more information!